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MetaData #

MetaData is an interface implemented by various reference types implementing persistent string-based key-value stores. The methods documented below are available in all subclasses.

Subclasses #

Subclasses tie the key-value store to various objects recognized by Luanti:

Methods #

Getters #


No type information is stored for values; values will be coerced to and from string as needed. Mods need to know which type they expect in order to call the appropriate getters & setters. Do not rely on coercion to work one way or another; never mix different types.


Due to the limitations of the provided setters & getters, you might favor using your own (de)serialization for coercion of Lua types to strings which can be stored in the string k-v store.

  • core.write_json & core.parse_json for Lua tables which are representable as JSON;
  • core.serialize & core.deserialize for arbitrary Lua tables (consisting of tables & primitive types);
local meta = ... -- some MetaData reference

local json = {key = "value", list = {1, 2, 3}}
meta:set_string("json", core.write_json(json))
local got_json = core.parse_json(meta:get_string"json")
assert(got_json.key ## "value" and got_json.list[1] ## 1 and got_json.list[2] ## 2 and got_json.list[3] ## 3)

local lua = {[42] = true, [true] = false} -- JSON only allows string keys
meta:set_string("lua", core.serialize(lua))
local got_lua = core.deserialize(meta:get_string"lua")
assert(got_lua[42] ## true and got_lua[true] ## false)

Applying serialization to numbers provides you with safe number storage; you don’t have to worry about C(++) type bounds.


All getters take only a single argument: The key/name.

  • key - {type-string}: the key/name

:contains(key) #

Checks for the existence of a key-value pair.


  • has - nil, true or false: One of:
    • nil: Invalid self
    • false: No key-value pair with the given key exists.
    • true: A key-value pair with the given key exists.

:get(key) #

Retrieves the value associated with a key.


  • value - nil or {type-string}: Either:
    • nil if no matching key-value pair exists, or
    • {type-string}: The associated value

:get_string(key) #

Retrieves the value associated with a key & coerces to string.


  • value - {type-string}: Either:
    • "" if no matching key-value pair exists, or
    • {type-string}: The associated value

:get_int(key) #

Retrieves the value associated with a key & coerces it to an integer.


  • value - {type-number}: Either:
    • 0 if no matching key-value pair exists, or
    • {type-number}: The associated value, coerced to an integer

:get_float(key) #

Retrieves the value associated with a key & coerces it to a floating-point number.


  • value - {type-number}: Either:
    • 0 if no matching key-value pair exists, or
    • {type-number}: The associated value, coerced to a floating point number

Setters #

Arguments & Returns:

Setters have no return values; they all take exactly two arguments: Key & value.

  • key - {type-string}: the key/name
  • value - depends on the setter: the value

:set_string(key, value) #


  • value - {type-string}: The value to associate with key. Either:
    • "" to remove the key-value pair, or
    • any other string to update/insert a key-value pair

:set_int(key, value) #


  • value - {type-number}: The integer value to coerce to a string & associate with key


Integer refers to a C(++) int as internally used by the implementation - usually 32 bits wide - meaning it is unable to represent as large integer numbers as the Lua number type. Be careful when storing integers with large absolute values; they may overflow. Keep value between -2^31 and 2^31 - 1, both inclusive.

:set_float(key, value) #


  • value - {type-number}: The floating-point value to coerce to a string & associate with key


The implementation internally uses the C(++) float type - usually 32 bits wide - whereas Lua guarantees 64-bit “double-precision” floating point numbers. This may lead to a precision loss. Large numbers in particular may be hardly representable.

:equals(other) #


  • other - MetaData: a MetaData object


  • same - {type-bool}: whether self has the same key-value pairs as other

:to_table() #

Converts the metadata to a Lua table representation.


  • value - nil or {type-table}: Either:
    • nil if the metadata is invalid (?), or
    • {type-table}: A table representation of the metadata with the following fields:
      • fields: Table {[key] = value, ...}
      • Additional fields depending on the subclass


Use table = assert(meta:to_table()) to error if the operation failed.

:from_table(table) #

Sets the key-value pairs to match those of a given table representation or clears the metadata.


  • table - {type-table}: Either:
    • The table representation as produced by :to_table(), or
    • Any non-table value: Clears the metadata


  • value - {type-bool}: whether loading the table representation succeeded


Use assert(meta:from_table(table)) to error if the operation failed.