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NodeMetaData #

NodeMetaData allows extending the basic node storage with a per-world, per-in-world-node persistent string key-value store implementing all methods of MetaData allowing you to associate arbitrary data with any node. Additionally, node metadata allows storing inventories for nodes like chests or furnaces.

The traditional node storage in Luanti is usually limited to:

  • A content ID (determining the node name),
  • The param1 unsigned byte (0 - 255 both inclusive) which is usually reserved for lighting,
  • The param2 unsigned byte (0 - 255 both inclusive) which can be used depending on paramtype2

core.get_meta(pos) #

Obtains a mutable NodeMetaData reference for the node at pos.


  • pos - Vector: Node position on the map; floats are rounded appropriately.


  • meta - NodeMetaData: Corresponding NodeMetaData reference

core.find_nodes_with_meta(pos1, pos2) #

Searches a region for nodes with non-empty metadata.


  • pos1 - Vector: First corner of the cuboid region (inclusive)
  • pos2 - Vector: Second corner of the cuboid region (inclusive)

Cuboid corners are rounded properly if they are not integers.


  • positions - List of Vector: List of integer positions of nodes that have non-empty meta

Special Fields #

formspec #

FormSpec to show when the node is interacted with using the “place/use” key (rightclick by default).

Has no effect if on_rightclick is defined in the node definition (see core.register_node).

The most notable advantage of this over calling core.show_formspec in on_rightclick is clientside prediction:

The client can immediately show the FormSpec; the second approach requires the client to first inform the server of the interaction, to which the server then responds with the FormSpec. This takes one round-trip time (RTT).

The obvious disadvantage is that FormSpecs can’t be dynamically generated in response to user interaction; formspecs must be mostly static. To alleviate this, formspecs provide context-dependant placeholders like the context or current_player inventory locations (see FormSpec).


The context inventory location can only be used in FormSpecs using the special formspec NodeMetaData field. FormSpecs shown using core.show_formspec must use nodemeta:<X>,<Y>,<Z> to reference inventories instead.

Another disadvantage is that plenty of redundant metadata - often a constant FormSpec - has to be stored with every node. This metadata also has to be sent to clients. Luanti’s mapblock compression should be able to compress duplicate substrings - FormSpecs in this case - reasonably well though.

In terms of network traffic it depends: With meta, the FormSpec is “only” sent when the mapblock gets updated; whereas the other approach resends the FormSpec every time the user interacts with the node.

infotext #

Text to show when the node is pointed at (same as the infotext object property). Long texts are line-wrapped, even longer texts are truncated.

Methods #

:mark_as_private(keys) #

NodeMetaData is by default fully sent to clients; the special formspec and infotext fields triggering clientside behavior obviously need to be sent to clients to work.

All other fields do not need to be sent to clients unless you want to explicitly support local mapsaving.


Mark all other fields as private to reduce traffic.

If you don’t want clients to be able to see private NodeMetaData fields - usually to prevent cheating - you must mark them as private.


The private marking is tied to a key-value pair.

  • If the key-value pair is deleted, the private marking is deleted as well.
  • If the key-value pair is recreated, the private marking must be recreated as well.


to_table and from_table do not keep track of which fields were marked as private.


  • keys - {type-string} or list of {type-string}: Either:
    • A single key to mark as private, or
    • A list of keys to mark as private

:get_inventory() #

Get the inventory associated with the node.


  • inv - Inventory: The inventory associated with the node

:to_table() #

Extends MetaData :to_table() by additionally adding an inventory field for a table {[listname] = list} where list is a list of ItemStrings ("" for empty) with the same length as the size of the inventory list.


Use table = assert(meta:to_table()) to error if the operation failed.

:from_table(table) #

Extends MetaData :from_table(table) to add support for the inventory field.