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Modchannels #

Allows server side mods (SSMs) communication to client side mods (CSMs) and vice versa.

Server Side API #

Functions #

core.mod_channel_join(channel_name) #

  • channel_name: string, modchannel name

Returns an object for use with Methods. Creates the channel if it does not exist and joins the channel.

core.register_on_modchannel_message(function(channel_name, sender, message)) #

  • channel_name: string, modchannel name (already joined)
  • sender: string, empty if from a SSM, player name if from a client
  • message: string, message

Used for handling messages received from the client.

Methods #


channel here means the object returned by core.mod_channel_join.

channel:leave() #

The server will leave the channel, meaning no more messages from this channel on core.register_on_modchannel_message


Set the channel to nil afterwards to free resources

channel:is_writeable() #

  • Returns bool: true true if the channel is writeable, false if it’s not.

channel:send_all(message) #

  • message: string, limited to 65535 bytes

Sends to all SSMs and CSMs on the channel.


The message will not if channel is not writable or invalid.

Client Side API #

Functions #

core.mod_channel_join(channel_name) #

  • channel_name: string, modchannel name

Returns an object for use with Methods. Creates the channel if it does not exist and joins the channel. Is equivalent to the the server side function.

core.register_on_modchannel_message(function(channel_name, sender, message)) #

  • channel_name: string, modchannel name (already joined and received acknowledgement)
  • sender: string, empty if from a SSM, player name if from a client
  • message: string, message

Used for handling messages received from the client. Is equivalent to the the server side function.

core.register_on_modchannel_signal(function(channel_name, signal)) #

  • channel_name: string, channel name that the signal has come in on

  • signal: integer, 0 - 5

    1. join_ok
    2. join_failed
    3. leave_ok
    4. leave_failed
    5. event_on_not_joined_channel
    6. state_changed

Used to handle signals generated by the mod channel system.

Methods #


channel here means the object returned by core.mod_channel_join.

channel:leave() #

The client will leave the channel, meaning no more messages from this channel on core.register_on_modchannel_message


Set the channel to nil afterwards to free resources

channel:is_writeable() #

  • Returns bool: true true if the channel is writeable, false if it’s not.

channel:send_all(message) #

  • message: string, limited to 65535 bytes

Sends to all SSMs and CSMs on the channel.


The message will not if channel is not writable or invalid.