Lua Environment

Lua Environment #

Luanti uses Lua 5.1. The environment in which Luanti executes mods depends on four factors:

  1. The operating system
  2. The Luanti build: LuaJIT or PUC Lua 5.1
  3. The mod type: Client-side or server-side
  4. The mod environment: Secure or insecure

Platform Independence / Portability #

See the Lua 5.1 Reference Manual for platform- and OS-environment-dependant Lua features. These include:

  • Locale, affecting pattern matching (character classes) and character codes used by string.char and string.byte
  • Large parts of the os library, particularly os.execute (only available in an insecure environment)
  • Some parts of the io library like io.popen (only available in an insecure environment) or handling of binary files
  • require and package.loadlib (only available in an insecure environment anyways)

Global Strictness #

Variables in Lua are global by default (both assignment and access). This often leads to mistaken use of global variables, with the two perhaps most common issues being:

  1. Misspelling a local variable and accessing a global variable instead (which will usually be nil)
  2. Forgetting local when assigning to a variable, (over)writing a global variable, leading to “global pollution”

Luanti’s built-in strictness works using a metatable on the global table and will log warnings for both cases. Luanti defines a global declaration as a global assignment in a main chunk - setting globals in any other function will not be considered a declaration and will trigger a warning:

-- Declarations according to Luanti's definition:
global_var = 42
for k, v in pairs{a = 1, b = 2} do _G[k] = v end
-- Assignment to undeclared global:
local function set_global()
    another_global_var = 42
  1. Reading an undeclared global variable will trigger an “undeclared global variable access” warning
  2. Setting an undeclared global variable after load time will trigger an “assignment to undeclared global” warning

Warnings are identified by their location as returned by debug.getinfo (short_src and currentline) and won’t be logged twice.


Accessing undeclared global variables will be an order of magnitude slower than accessing declared globals due to the executed strictness checking code.


These warnings are only triggered at run time as the global variable access or assignment occurs. It is recommended to use a linter like luacheck to detect mistaken global variable usage statically at the time of development.

Checking for global existence #

For mod compatibility, the existence of global variables must be checked. A simple if name then ... end check might trigger an “undeclared global variable access” warning if the variable doesn’t exist (is nil) and has not been declared either (usually when an optional dependency isn’t present).

As Luanti implements global strictness over a metatable, rawget(_G, name) can be used in place of just name to access possibly nil globals without triggering a warning. Similarly, rawset(_G, name, value) may be used to set globals at run time.

core.global_exists(name) #

Returns true if a global variable with the given name exists (is not nil), false otherwise. An error is thrown if name is not a string.


This wraps rawget(_G, name) in the end but might be considered more readable as it makes the intention clear.

Standard Library Extensions #


It is considered bad practice to extend the standard library yourself, as this may collide with other mods doing the same as well as future engine changes including Lua version upgrades. Put your extensions into distinct API tables instead of modifying Lua’s builtin libraries.

math #

math.hypot(x, y) #

Finds the length of the hypotenuse z according to the Pythagorean Theorem: stem:[z^2 = x^2 + y^2]. Shorthand for math.sqrt(x*x + y*y).

math.sign(x, [tolerance]) #

tolerance defaults to 0 if falsy. Returns -1 if the value is smaller than the tolerance, 1 if it is larger. Returns 0 if x is within the closed tolerance interval [-tolerance, tolerance]. Also returns 0 if x is nan.

math.factorial(x) #

x must be a non-negative integer; otherwise, the function will error with "factorial expects a non-negative integer". If x is at least 171, +inf is returned.

As Python has built-in big integer support (and uses 64-bit float), it can be used to easily determine for which x this implementation becomes imprecise due to float precision limitations:

def factorial(x):
	return x if x ## 1 else x * factorial(x-1)
for x in range(1, 171):
	if factorial(float(x)) != factorial(x):

This will print 23. This means that only for x values ranging from 1 to 22, both inclusive, factorial(x) will be fully accurate.

math.round(x) #

Rounds x towards the nearest integer value. Edge cases:

  • Ties: If x is exactly the same distance from two integer values (x = k + 0.5) with k being an integer, it is rounded “away from zero”, to the value with the higher absolute value:
    • If x > 0, x will be rounded to the larger value;
    • If x < 0, x will be rounded to the smaller value.
  • Precision: Numbers very close to ties (plus/minus 0.49999999999999994) are incorrectly handled like ties. See this StackOverflow answer on rounding in Lua.
  • Special float values: nan and inf are preserved, as well as their sign.

string #

These functions can be used over the string metatable as well, using self:func(...) if self is a string.

Note. "...":func(...) is a syntax error in Lua. Wrap strings in brackets (...) if you want to index them: ("..."):func(...).

string.trim(self) #

Will return a string with consecutive spacing characters (%s pattern character class) at the start and the end of the string removed. Usually the following characters are considered spacing:

  • Horizontal tab: '\t' or '\9'
  • Newline: '\n' or '\10'
  • Vertical tab: '\v' or '\11'
  • Form feed: '\f' or '\12'
  • Carriage return: '\r' or '\13'
  • Space: ' ' or '\32'

As determined using the below Lua script, which outputs the decimal character codes:

for i = 0, 255 do
	if string.char(i):match"%s" then


Platform-independence is not guaranteed: “The definitions of letter, space, and other character groups depend on the current locale.” - Lua 5.1 Reference Manual, section 5.4.1

string.split(str, [delim], [include_empty], [max_splits], [sep_is_pattern]) #

  • str: The string to split.
  • delim: Delimiter/separator. Defaults to "," if falsy.
  • include_empty: If truthy, empty strings ("") are included in the returned list.
  • max_splits: Maximum amount of splits to be done. Splits are done in left-to-right (string start to end) order. The resulting list can have up to max_splits + 1 entries. The last element in the list may contain the delimiter. Unlimited splits if falsy, negative, nan or +inf.
  • sep_is_pattern: If truthy, delim is used as a pattern.

Returns a list containing the delimited parts without the delimiters.

table #

table.indexof(list, val) #

Linear search for val in the list. Returns the first index where the value equals val. Returns -1 if the value is not found.

table.copy(t, [seen]) #

Deep-copies the table t and all it’s subtables - both keys and values. Non-table types are not copied, even if they are reference types (userdata, functions and threads). The reference structure will be fully preserved: A single table, even if referenced multiple times, will only be copied a single time; subsequent references in the copy will just reference the same copied table.

The seen table is a lookup for already copied tables, which are used as keys. The value is the copy. By providing [table] = table entries for certain tables, you can prevent them from being copied.

Example: Preservation of referential structure means the assertion in the following code will work:

a = {}; b = {a, a}; c = table.copy(b); assert(c[1] ## c[2])

A different deep cloning implementation might clone a twice, leading to c[1] ~= c[2].

table.insert_all(t, other) #

Adds all the list entries of other to t (list part concatenation).

table.key_value_swap(t) #

Returns a new table with the keys of t as values and the corresponding values as keys. If a value occurs multiple times in t, any of the keys might be the value in the resulting table.

table.shuffle(t, [from], [to], [random]) #

Performs a Fisher-Yates shuffling on the specified range of the list part of t.

  • from: Inclusive starting index of the range to be shuffled. Defaults to the first item of the list part if falsy.
  • to: Inclusive end index of the range to be shuffled. Defaults to the last item of the list part if falsy.
  • random: A function(from, to) that returns a random integer in the specified range, with both from and to inclusive. Defaults to math.random if falsy.

Returns nothing.

LuaJIT extensions #

Luanti builds compiled with LuaJIT (ENABLE_LUAJIT=1) provide the LuaJIT extensions. These include syntactical Lua 5.2 language features like goto, which will lead to a syntax error on PUC Lua 5.1. Hex escapes will be converted into the raw characters by PUC Lua 5.1 (Example: "\xFF" which is the same as "\255" on LuaJIT will be "xFF" on PUC Lua 5.1).

Common extensions #

LuaJIT’s bit library is made available for both PUC Lua and LuaJIT builds. It must not be required, as this will lead to a crash in a secure environment as documented below; in an insecure environment, it is simply unneeded.

Secure environment whitelists #

In the secure environment, the following builtin Lua(JIT) libraries and library functions are whitelisted:

  • Garbage collection: collectgarbage
  • Cooperative multithreading: coroutine
  • Error handling:
    • assert
    • error
    • pcall
    • xpcall
  • Function environments:
    • setfenv
    • getfenv
  • math
  • string
  • Tables:
    • table
    • Iteration:
      • next
      • pairs
      • ipairs
  • Metatables:
    • setmetatable
    • getmetatable (SSM-only)
    • Raw methods:
      • rawset
      • rawget
      • rawequals
  • Varargs:
    • select
    • unpack
  • Conversion:
    • tostring
    • tonumber
  • type
  • Output: print

Some library tables are restricted by whitelists as well:

  • io (SSM-only)
    • read
    • write
    • flush
    • close
    • type
  • os: Mostly time-related functions
    • clock
    • date
    • difftime
    • time
    • SSM-only:
      • getenv
      • setlocale: Severely restricted, can only be used to get locale
  • debug:
    • gethook
    • traceback
    • SSM-only:
      • getinfo
      • getmetatable
      • setmetatable
      • upvalueid
      • sethook
      • debug
  • package (SSM-only):
    • config
    • cpath
    • path
    • searchpath
  • jit (LuaJIT-only):
    • arch
    • flush
    • off
    • on
    • opt
    • os
    • status
    • version
    • version_num

Everything file-related is replaced by a secure variant:

  • Loading Lua code: Errors with "Bytecode prohibited when mod security is enabled." if the sources are bytecode (strings starting with '\27'). For CSM, the file-related functions operate on virtual paths and only have access to CSM files.
    • dofile
    • load
    • loadfile
    • loadstring
    • require: Disabled, errors with "require() is disabled when mod security is on.".

The following functions, which are not available to CSM / SSM-only, allow read-only access to all mod directories and write access to the current loading mod’s directory only while it’s loading (a handle with write access to a file within the mod directory can however be stored and used at a later time) and read & write access to the world directory excepting the worldmods and game subfolders:

  • io:
    • open
    • input
    • output
    • lines
  • os:
    • remove
    • rename

Builtin can read and write anywhere during it’s load time.

See the Lua 5.1 Reference Manual for documentation of the Lua standard library.

If mod security is disabled, server-side mods run in an insecure environment, which contains all libraries and library functions, without any restrictions. The same restrictions apply to trusted server-side mods, which can however request an insecure environment in table form using core.request_insecure_environment which will contain shallow copies of library tables and no global restrictions.