
Persistence #

This page aims to give an overview of the serialization options Luanti provides.

Your choice for persistence depends on the data you want to persist:

  • Structure & types of the data: How is the data structured? What data types occur?
  • Size of the data, frequency of changes to the data: Can it fit into memory? How expensive can updates be?
  • Granularity needed: How often must the data be persisted?
  • Required query-ability of the data: Are indices for fast lookups required?
  • Required data access, objects the data is tied to: Items? Players?

(De-)Serialization #


Luanti provides a JSON serializer based on jsoncpp.

The following types are supported by JSON:

  • booleans
  • numbers
  • strings
  • tables (objects/arrays)


Negative and positive infinity are represented by numbers which exceed the double number range by a lot (plus/minus 1e9999).


The empty table {} (ambiguous: might be either {} or []) and nan aren’t supported by JSON and will be turned into null.

Tables may either:

  1. Contain only positive integer keys (represented as array) or
  2. Contain only string keys (represented as object/dictionary) obviously, plenty of Lua tables aren’t representable this way (boolean keys, mixed hash/list keys, fractional keys, inf keys)

core.write_json(data, [styled]) #

If the data is serializable as outlined above:: Returns a JSON string representing data. Formats the JSON nicely to improve readability if styled is truthy. Else:: Returns nil and one of the following errors if it fails:

  • Can't use indexes with fractional part in JSON
  • Lua key to convert to JSON is not a string or number
  • Can't mix array and object values in JSON


Hash tables containing only positive integer keys - a table of core.hash_node_position hashes for instance - will be turned into an array with holes, that is, all nil values from 1 to the maximum index will be filled with null, which means terrible performance and possibly very large output generated from very small input. Do not allow direct access to core.write_json as it can be trivially used to DoS your server.


Sparse hash maps, should always be converted to objects, using only string keys, for JSON. You might do this just for serialization.


The JSON serializer is furthermore limited by its recursion depth: Only a recursion depth up to 16 is allowed. Very nested data structures can’t be (de)serialized. Circular references will cause the JSON serializer to recurse until the maximum recursion depth is exceeded.


Use the json = assert(core.write_json(data)) idiom to not silently ignore errors when serializing.

core.parse_json(json, [nullvalue]) #

If json is valid JSON:: Returns the Lua value represented by the JSON string json, with null values deserialized to nullvalue (which defaults to nil). Else:: Returns nil and logs an error.


If you must use JSON (to interact with a web interface, for instance), consider using your JSON library of choice; Lua-only implementations such as lunajson are available.

Lua #

Luanti alternatively offers a serializer implemented in Lua, which serializes to Lua source code, available as core.serialize and core.deserialize. The following values are supported:

  • nil
  • booleans
  • numbers
  • strings
  • tables, including circular references
  • functions: not recommended; uses string.dump internally
    • Deserialization of functions will error unless mod security is disabled
    • Lua-implementation and platform-specific bytecode: Functions serialized by PUC Lua won’t work on LuaJIT and vice versa; no cross-platform portability
    • Upvalues or the context of the function (function environment) aren’t preserved
    • C functions which lack Lua bytecode (such as math.sqrt or most Luanti API functions) can’t be (de)serialized at all

Userdata objects (like ItemStack for example) aren’t supported. Threads (coroutines) aren’t supported either.

core.serialize(data) #

Serializes data, which may be a value of any of the above types.

Returns a Lua chunk in string form that returns data if executed.

Will error with Can't serialize data of type <type> if it encounters an unsupported type.

Fully supports circular references.

core.deserialize(str, [safe]) #

If str is not of type string:: Returns nil, "Cannot deserialize type '<type>'. Argument must be a string." If str starts with "\27":: Returns nil, "Bytecode prohibited" If str triggers a Lua error at run- or load-time:: Returns nil, error If str returns without errors:: Returns the first value returned by executing the chunk str without arguments

If safe is truthy, serialized functions will be deserialized to nil. This will trigger an error if functions are used as table keys ({[function()end] = true}). Otherwise, serialized functions will get an empty function environment set - only being able to operate on literals and arguments.


Use of the data = assert(core.deserialize(lua, safe)) idiom is recommended.

Engine-provided default persistence #

Nodes (consisting of nodename, param1, param2, meta) are persisted automatically as part of mapblocks. A handful of player properties (HP, breath, position, look direction, inventory, meta) are persisted as well. Granularity is controlled by the server_map_save_interval setting.

Storage options #

Database server / the ominous cloud #

You can use Luanti’s HTTP library to communicate with web servers, which might store data for you.

Other ways of Inter-Process Communication that can be leveraged to communicate with a database include sockets, provided through the luasockets library (requiring an insecure environment and an accessible installation). If the database server runs on the same machine, you might decide to use file bridges for IPC.

Lightweight database library #

Requires an insecure environment and an installation of the database library that is accessible to Luanti. SQLite3, available through the lsqlite3 LuaRocks package, is a popular choice here and used for instance by the sban mod.

String stores #

Entity staticdata #

Tied to entities. The serialized string must be returned by get_staticdata and is passed to on_activate.

File store #

Usually tied to world or mod paths. The simplest approach reads the file at load time and writes it on shutdown. As on_shutdown may however not be called in the case of a crash - or even worse, a power outage might abruptly shut down the server without calling anything - this provides a rather poor granularity, as all changes to the data during the uptime may be lost.

You may simply serialize your data and write it to a file on every update. If your data is rather larger or gets updated frequently, a full serialization might negatively impact performance. Performance can be improved at the expense of granularity by saving periodically and choosing “long” periods. A transaction log improves performance by only storing changes, at the expense of disk space.


A mix of both approaches can provide satisfying results, logging only changes and rewriting the logfile periodically to keep disk space waste acceptable.

For special cases like logging, an append-only file may be the ideal solution if using the global core.log is not desirable.

Key-value store #

Filesystem #

On systems that provide a decent filesystem implementation (that is, everything except Windows), you can use filenames/filepaths as keys and files as values. On poor filesystems, you might be heavily limited by absolute path character limits; lots of small files might lead to fragmentation.

A nested hierarchical key-value store is possible through directory structures, which can be managed and traversed using:

  • core.mkdir
  • core.rmdir
  • core.cpdir
  • core.mvdir
  • core.get_dir_list

If you want to mitigate the risk of data loss, you can use core.safe_file_write when (re)writing files.

Configuration files #

The Settings object allows you to operate on configuration files, getting & setting key-value entries and saving the file. The main Settings object core.settings can be used to persist a few settings “globally” - bleeding everywhere. This is horribly abused by the mainmenu to store stuff like the last selected game. Don’t be like the mainmenu; distinguish persistent game data and settings/configuration properly and namespace your data properly.

That said, Settings can be used to read from & write to simple & limited key-value store files. The main advantage of them is that they are presumably easy to edit for users, but this is usually not a requirement for game data which is “edited” by in-game interactions; indeed, you might not want to tempt players to cheat in singleplayer by editing their “saves”.

MetaData #

Luanti provides metadata objects which all provide a simple string key-value store, tied to four different game “objects”:

  1. ItemStacks: ItemStackMetaData: Fully sent to clients; serialized within inventories, which may be serialized within mapblocks
  2. Node positions: NodeMetaData: Sent to clients, but fields can be marked as private; serialized somewhere within mapblocks
  3. Players: PlayerMetaData: SQLite-backed key-value storage, however only available while the player is online
  4. Mods: ModStorage: SQLite-backed key-value storage; older versions use a JSON-backed store unsuitable for large data (as serialization will block the main thread)

Utilities for setting & getting non-string data types like integers and floats are provided; the datatype is however not stored with the entries. The granularity of all these key-value stores is determined by the server_map_save_interval setting.