Development Tools

Development Tools #

This page contains a list of tools that are useful for developing games and mods for Luanti, or working with parts of the engine.

In addition to this list, you can also see the Development Tools tag on ContentDB for mods useful for development and the modtools repository for officially maintained modding tools.

Engine development #

  • Development Test: A testing game for testing various engine features
  • /minetest/util: Various maintenance utilities

General Lua Tools #

Debugging/profiling #

Syntax highlighting/autocompletion #

  • Minetest Tools (VSCode marketplace, OpenVSX): Extension for VSCode and other Code - OSS based code editors that provides Lua API autocompletion and more

Schematics #

  • Schematic Editor: Luanti mod that allows you to import, edit and export schematics straight within Luanti.
  • MTS Editor: Standalone program to view and edit Luanti schematics, but it supports other file formats (e.g. Minecraft schematics) as well.
  • Lua2Mts: Luanti mod to convert .lua schematics to .mts schematics.
  • ASCII Art Schematics: Library to manage Luanti schematics as ASCII art

Biomes #

Perlin Noise #

  • Perlin Explorer: Luanti mod that allows you to experiment with all sorts of Perlin noise.
  • Perlin noise tuner: Visualizes 2D Perlin noise that Luanti will generate with different noise params.(Emulation of Luanti Perlin noise can be wrong in extremes/edge-cases due to precision of JavaScript number type)

3D models #

Formspecs #

Translation #

ContentDB #

  • cdbrelease: Release automation tool for ContentDB packages

Misc. #

  • Definition Ripper: Extract node and item definitions, generating decorative and inert facades from them