Lua Conventions

Lua Conventions #

Lua is a simple, minimalistic, elegant, efficient, embeddable, expressive scripting language. A good grasp of Lua is required to effectively develop Luanti mods and games.

Lua is a very flexible - perhaps for the taste of many too flexible - language.

Lua gives you the power, you build the mechanisms - “Programming in Lua”, first edition

This document describes some mechanisms and conventions used in Luanti.

Resources #

This does not teach you programming in general or the basics of Lua programming specifically. Refer to the following resources instead:

Integers #

Lua 5.1 only has a single number type: 64-bit IEEE754 floats.

Unless stated otherwise, Luanti typically expects finite numbers: No positive or negative infinities (math.huge, -math.huge), and no “not-a-number” (0/0) values.

These can represent many whole numbers exactly. Hence a number with a fractional part of zero (math.floor(number) == number) is called an integer.

All integers from -2^53 to 2^53 can be represented exactly. These are called the safe integers. You should stick to these. Larger or smaller integers are no longer contiguous (for example 2^53 + 1 can not be represented exactly).

Be careful: Often Luanti will internally convert Lua numbers into 32-bit (or even smaller) signed integers in the C++ implementation. In fact, even PUC Lua 5.1 itself does this, e.g. for math.random (and even worse, it then does integer arithmetic on them, so you have to ensure not only that your numbers are in-range, but also that the difference between them is.)

Hence it is typically a good idea to stay well above the -2^31 and below the 2^31 - 1 limits.

You should not pass non-integral values to functions that expect integers, including built-in Lua functions like math.random. How these values are rounded is not specified. You should instead use math.floor, math.ceil or math.round yourself.

Strings #

Lua strings are byte strings. This means you are, in principle, free to use any encoding, but the established standard used by Luanti is UTF-8. Whenever you are encoding or decoding Unicode text, you should expect UTF-8 unless stated otherwise.

Note that functions such as core.compress obviously do not operate on Unicode text but instead treat strings as binary data.

Do not confuse these two usages of Lua strings.

Tables #

Lua’s primary “all-in-one” data structuring mechanism is the table.

Tables map keys to values. A key-value pair is sometimes also called an entry.

The table {a = 1, ["b"] = 2, [3] = true} has the keys "a", "b" and 3 and the values 1, 2 and true. The pair 3, true is an entry: The key 3 is mapped to the value true.

A list (sometimes also called a sequence) is a table with consecutive integer keys starting at 1. For example {1, 2, 3} and {[3] = 3, [1] = 1, [2] = 2} are lists. Note that unless otherwise stated, a list can not have “holes”: nil values followed by non-nil values. For example {nil, 2} and {1, [3] = 3} are not valid lists.

A set is a table where the keys are considered to be the elements of the set. The values should be true (or at the very least not false) per convention. For example {spam = true, ham = true} is a set. {spam = true, ham = false} is not a set. {"bread", "bacon", "eggs"} is a set containing the elements 1, 2 and 3 (recall that the values are insignificant in a set). A more suggestive way to write it would be {[1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true}.

A global table consisting of names as keys and API functions or tables is called a namespace (or API table). For example core is a namespace. It is strongly recommended that you namespace the APIs you want your mods to expose (and keep everything else local).

For example:

mymath = {}

function mymath.clamp(x, min, max)
    return math.max(math.min(x, max), min)

It is important to be precise about the structure of tables. One possible mistake for example is to supply a list of textures as {name = "mymod_mytexture.png", backface_culling = false} rather than { { name = "mymod_mytexture.png", backface_culling = false } }.

The former will probably be treated like an empty list, while the latter will correctly be treated as a list containing a single texture.

Object-oriented programming #

Lua does not bring classes out of the box. Instead, Lua uses metatables, which allows implementing prototype-based object-oriented programming. Luanti leverages this to implement its own form(s) of classes.

Usually Luanti only uses the __index metatable field to set a prototype. A notable exception are vectors, which have overloaded arithmetic operators (see Spatial Vectors for details).

A constructor is a function that returns an instance of a class. Examples are VoxelManip(...), VoxelArea:new(...) or

As you can see, constructors are inconsistent due to historical reasons. Some constructors have to be called as Class:new(...), others use, and yet some others use Class(...).

Instances may be either tables or opaque userdata objects. If an instance is a table, the fields unique to that table (that is, all the fields that are not provided by the metatable) are called the instance variables or instance fields.

A method is a function operating on instances of a class. Methods are usually called as instance:method(...), which is nothing but syntactic sugar for instance.method(instance, ...).

Similarly to methods, there may be class variables shared among all instances. These can typically be accessed via class.variable or instance.variable.

The way metatables work, instance.field will resolve to class.field via the __index field / metamethod.

This means that instance.class_variable will (usually) resolve to the very same value for different instances.

If instance.class_variable is a reference type, this may be a source of so-called “aliasing” bugs: Unknowingly mutating a class variable (which may look like an instance variable) mutates it for all instances.

An example are Lua entities. Each Lua entity registration registers its own class to go along with it. Lua entities are all instances of their respective classes. (Not to be confused with “objects”, which are instances of the C++ ObjectRef “class” and userdata. Lua entities are in a 1:1-correspondence with objects: The associated object can be obtained as entity.object, and the associated entity for an object can be obtained as object:get_luaentity().)

If you do entity.initial_properties.textures = {"foo.png"}, you’re changing the initial properties class variable (which is a table) for all entities of the same type.