Lua code style guidelines

Lua code style guidelines #

This is largely inspired by the Python style guide except for some indentation and language differences. When in doubt, consult that guide (if applicable).

Note that these are only guidelines for more readable code. In some (rare) cases they may result in less readable code. Use your best judgement.

Comments #

  • Incorrect or outdated comments are worse than no comments.

  • Avoid inline comments, unless they’re very short.

  • Write comments to clarify anything that may be confusing. Don’t write comments that describe things that are obvious from the code.


    width = width - 2  -- Adjust for 1px border on each side


    width = width - 2  -- Decrement width by two
  • Comments should follow English grammar rules, this means starting with a capital letter, using commas and apostrophes where appropriate, and ending with a period. The period may be omitted in single-sentence comments. If the first word of a comment is an identifier, its casing should not be changed. Check the spelling.

    -- This is a properly formatted comment.
    -- This isnt.              (missing apostrophe)
    -- neither is this.        (lowercase first letter)
  • Comments should have a space between the comment characters and the first word.

    --This is wrong.
    -- This is right.
  • Inline comments should be separated from the code by two spaces.

    foo()  -- A proper comment.
  • If you write comments for a documentation generation tool, write the comments in LuaDoc format.

  • Short multi-line comments should use the regular single-line comment style.

  • Long multi-line comments should use Lua’s multi-line comment format with no leading characters except a -- before the closer.

    Very long
    multi-line comment.

Line wrapping, spaces, and indentation #

  • Indentation is done with one tab per indentation level.
  • Lines are wrapped at 80 characters where possible, with a hard limit of 90. If you need more you’re probably doing something wrong.

Continuation lines #

  • Conditional expressions have continuation lines indented by two tabs.

    if long_function_call(with, many, arguments) and
    		another_function_call() then
  • Function arguments are indented by two tabs if multiple arguments are in a line, same for definition continuations.

    foo(bar, biz, "This is a long string..."
    		baz, qux, "Lua")
    function foo(a, b, c, d,
    		e, f, g, h)
  • If the function arguments contain a table, it’s indented by one tab and if the arguments get own lines, it’s indented like a table.

    register_node("name", {
    	"This is a long string...",
    list = filterlist.create(
    		return "no comma at the end"
  • When strings don’t fit into the line, you should add the string (changes) to the next line(s) indented by one tab.

    longvarname = longvarname ..
    	"Thanks for reading this example!"
    local retval =
    	"size[11.5,7.5,true]" ..
    	"label[0.5,0;" .. fgettext("World:") .. "]" ..
    	"label[1.75,0;" .. .. "]"
  • When breaking around a binary operator you should break after the operator.

    if a or b or c or d or
    		e or f then

Empty lines #

  • Use a single empty line to separate sections of long functions.

  • Use two empty lines to separate top-level functions and large tables.

  • Do not use a empty line after conditional, looping, or function opening statements.


    function foo()
    	if x then


    function foo()
    	if x then
  • Don’t leave white-space at the end of lines.

Spaces #

  • Spaces are not used around parentheses, brackets, or curly braces.


    bar[1] = "Hello world"


    foo ( { baz=true } )
    bar [ 1 ]
  • Spaces are used after, but not before, commas and semicolons.

  • Spaces are used around binary operators with following exceptions:

    • There must not be spaces around the member access operator (.).
    • Spaces around the concatenation operator (..) are optional.
    • In short one-line table definitions the spaces around the equals sign can be omitted.


    local num = 2 * (3 / 4) + 1
    foo({bar = true})
    local def = {
    	foo = true,
    	bar = false,


    local num=2*(3/4)
    local def={
  • Use spaces to align related things, but don’t go overboard:


    local node_up   = core.get_node(pos_up)
    local node_down = core.get_node(pos_down)
    -- Too long relative to the other lines, don't align with it
    local node_up_1_east_2_north_3 = core.get_node(pos_up_1_east_2_north_3)


    local x                       = true
    local very_long_variable_name = false
    local foobar    = true
    local unrelated = {}

Numbers #

  • Do not add a trailing .0 or . to integers. (All numbers are doubles under the hood anyways, and doubles represent integers from -2^53 to 2^53 exactly.)
  • Do not start numbers with just the decimal point. Write 0.5 instead of .5.
  • You may use exponential notation for numbers with many trailing or leading zeroes: 1e3, 1e-3 instead of 1000, 0.001.
  • You may use hexadecimal notation when bit representation matters (such as for ARGB8 hex values).
  • Prefer ^ over math.pow.
  • Prefer math.sqrt(x) over x ^ 0.5. 1
  • Do not rely on string-to-number coercion done by arithmetic operations or math functions. If you’re doing x + 1 where x is a string, write tonumber(x) + 1 instead to explicitly do the conversion.

Strings #

  • Use double-quoted strings ("...") by default. You may use single-quoted strings ('...') to save some escapes. You may use long strings ([[...]]) if you need multiline strings.

  • Use “method”-style to call string.* functions: s:find("luanti") instead of string.find(s, "luanti"). (Exceptions are made for string.char, which does not take a string as its first argument, and for string.format, where the first argument is typically a string literal.)

  • Use s == "" to check whether a string is empty.

  • Use #s (instead of s:len()) to get the length of a string.

  • Prefer pattern matching over manual string manipulation if it is simpler.

  • You may rely on "number: " .. num, as well as table.concat({"number: ", num}), converting a number num to a string, but explicit format strings or explicit application of tostring are often preferable.

  • You must not rely on number-to-string coercion done by string functions except for backward compatibility reasons.

  • When building long strings (for example formspecs), prefer table.concat over string concatenation:


    local s = ""
    for i = 1, 1000 do
    	s = s .. i
    local s2 = a .. b .. c .. d ..
    	"hello" .. e .. "world" ..
    	"foo" .. bar .. "quux"


    local t = {}
    for i = 1, 1000 do
    	t[i] = i
    local s = table.concat(t)
    local s2 = table.concat({
    	a, b, c, d,
    	"hello", e, "world",
    	"foo", bar, "quux",

Tables #

  • Small tables may be placed on one line. Large tables have one entry per line, with the opening and closing braces on lines without items, and with a comma after the last item.


    local foo = {bar=true}
    foo = {
    	bar = 0,
    	biz = 1,
    	baz = 2,


    foo = {bar = 0,
    	biz = 1,
    	baz = 2}
    foo = {
    	bar = 0, biz = 1,
    	baz = 2
  • In list-style tables where each element is short multiple elements may be placed on each line.

    local first_eight_letters = {
    	"a", "b", "c", "d",
    	"e", "f", "g", "h",
  • Do not mix list-style tables and “dict”-style tables.

  • Use ipairs to iterate list-style tables, use pairs to iterate “dict”-style tables.

  • Avoid list-like tables with “holes” (for example {1, nil, 3}).

  • Use table.insert to append items to list-style tables and table.remove to remove items from list-style tables.

  • Use syntactic sugar. Write {name = value} instead of {["name"] = value}. Write instead of t["name"].

  • Do not use semicolons to separate table entries.

Functions #

  • Function definition:

    • Always use function name(...) instead of name = function(...).

    • Use local function name(...) instead of local name = function(...), irrespective of whether the function is recursive or not.

    • Use function class:method(...) syntactic sugar for “instance method” definitions.

    • You can use {func = function(...) ... end} inside tables, but you may consider using a variable for the table instead, especially for “namespaces”:

      local my = {}
      function my.func(...) ... end
  • Function calls:

    • Use obj:method(...) syntactic sugar to call “instance methods”.
    • Do not use f"...", f'...', f[[...]] or f{...} syntactic sugar.
  • Prefer returning nothing (default when a function has no return statement) over returning nil.

Naming #

  • Functions and variables should be named in lowercase_underscore_style, with the exception of constructor-like functions such as PseudoRandom(), which should use UpperCamelCase.
  • Don’t invent compound words. Common words like filename are okay, but mashes like getbox and collisiondetection aren’t.
  • Avoid leading and/or trailing underscores. They’re ugly and can be hard to see.

Miscellaneous #

  • Do not use semicolons. You almost never need to use a semicolon to separate two statements in Lua.

  • Don’t put multiple statements on the same line.

  • You can put conditionals / loops with small conditions and bodies on one line. This is discouraged for all but the smallest ones though.


    local f, err =, "r")
    if not f then return err end
    if     foo then return foo
    elseif bar then return bar
    elseif qux then return qux


    if not f and use_error then error(err) elseif not f then return err end
  • Use do-end blocks to limit the scope of variables, for example to make a local variable “private” to a small set of functions:

    local increment_counter
    	local counter = 0
    	function increment_counter()
    		counter = counter + 1
    		print("Counter is now", counter)
  • Don’t compare values explicitly to true, false, or nil, unless it’s really needed.


    local f, err =, "r")
    if not f then return err end
    local t = {"a", true, false}
    for i = 1, 5 do
    	-- Needs an explicit nil check to avoid triggering
    	-- on false, which is a valid value.
    	if t[i] == nil then
    		t[i] = "Default"


    if f == nil then return err end
  • Don’t use unnecessary parentheses unless they improve readability a lot.

    if y then bar() end -- Good
    if (not x) then foo() end -- Bad
  • Avoid globals like the plague. The only globals that you should create are namespace tables - and even those might eventually be phased out.

  • Don’t let functions get too large. Maximum length depends on complexity; simple functions can be longer than complex functions.

  • Use not not to coerce values to their truthiness.

  • Iterate varargs using select. Store varargs along with their length in tables.

  1. The two differ very slightly in behavior, leading to math.sqrt being an order of magnitude faster on LuaJIT. See this LuaJIT issue for details. ↩︎