
Worlds #

A world contains an environment and/or building(s) you can play in. A world also includes all saved data associated with a world, like player data, mob positions, health, breath, and the like.

Finding worlds #

See the Maps forum on the Luanti forums to find downloads to worlds that others have made.

Installation #

To install worlds: You have to extract them first. Most of them are in .zip, some of them can be in .7z, .rar or .tar.gz format. To extract archive files other than .zip on Windows, you need 7-Zip.

For world creators, .7z is the recommended archive format as it is a free format (as compared to .rar) that typically allows for the best compression.

Put the extracted files in the worlds folder of your Luanti installation folder. To find the folder, select the “About” tab in the main menu and press “Open User Data Directory”.

The files such as env_meta.txt must be in the root of the world’s folder (eg. worlds/my_world/env_meta.txt).

World directory content #

See in the Luanti source tree.

Schem file Creation / Import #

A schem file (.mts) is used to import building(s) into a world with the WorldEdit mod. This file can be found in “worlds/<my_world>/schems” folder.

  • To create a schem file :
  1. Type in your world name (with WorldEdit activated).
  2. Grant yourself all privileges: /grantme all
  3. Press F5 to show the coordinates.
  4. Select the area to export by commands with //pos1 and //pos2 (these positions corresponds to an invisible diagonal of a cuboid selection).
  5. Create your schem file with //mtschemcreate <name of your schem file>. The file will be created into your “worlds/<my_world>/schems” folder.
  • To import a schem file :
  1. Enter in your world (with WorldEdit activated).
  2. Grant yourself all privileges: /grantme all
  3. Put a schem file into your “worlds/<name of your new world>/schems" folder.
  4. Press F5 to show the coordinates.
  5. Place a position where you want with command: //pos1
  6. Import your schem file with //mtschemplace <name of your schem file>

See also #