
Minetestmapper #

Sample minetestmapper output

The minetestmapper creates 2D maps of your world, where one node corresponds to one pixel.

Usage #

This describes the usage of the C++ minetestmapper. The usage of minetestmapper.py is similar.

Make sure there is a colors.txt in the same folder as the mapper. The default one does not support any mods. You can download VanessaE’s more complete colors.txt, containing support for hundreds of mods.

On GNU/Linux, open a terminal in the folder the mapper is. Create a map using this command:

./minetest_mapper -i /home/user/.minetest/worlds/my_world/ -o /home/user/map.png

Having Luanti running in place, you might have to modify the world path.

On Windows, Shift + Right click in the folder the mapper is in, then select Open a command window here. To create a map, type this command:

minetest_mapper.exe -i "C:\your_path_to_luanti\worlds\example\" -o map.png

The geometry option allows you to define an area to map. Use it between “./minetestmapper” and the input “-i”.

minetest_mapper.exe --geometry -10000:-10000+20000+20000 -i "C:\your_path_to_luanti\worlds\example\" -o map.png

Result: A 20.2 MiB file covering a 20,000 × 20,000 area starting in the lower left corner at X=-10,000; Y=-10,000

Versions #

Currently, there are three mappers. It is recommended to use the C++ version.

minetestmapper.py #

A mapper written in Python. It’s very slow.

minetestmapper in C++ #

The minetestmapper rewritten with C++. It is much faster. The code can be found on GitHub.

minetestmapper-numpy.py #

An improved version of the Python mapper with many additional features, like side view, scaling and fog. It is 8 to 10 times faster than the original minetestmapper.py, but still slower than the C++ version. Information about installation and usage can be found in the forum.